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Josiah Morgan
Josiah Morgan

Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care !EXCLUSIVE!

"This book provides a complete look at neonatal healthcare delivery. This edition includes discussions of contemporary topics of interest, such as informatics, genetics, global health, and family-centered care, which are vital to providers caring for neonates today. The case studies and the evidence-based practice dialogues at the end of each chapter provide great opportunities for further reflection. The book is useful to a wide audience in nursing, including undergraduate and graduate nursing students, practicing neonatal and pediatric nurses, and advanced practice nurses who care for neonates." Score: 92, 4 Stars.--Doody's Medical Reviews

Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care

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This 'classic' has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the most up-to-date research findings and strategies for providing cost-effective and evidence-based care. New chapters address emerging infections, the late preterm infant, and neonatal care from a global perspective. Included are updated neonatal care protocols and procedures, neuroprotective risk factors, new treatments, and new trends in developmental care. Text integrates the Institute of Medicine's (10M) five competencies, reflects the Affordable Healthcare Act and the Robert Wood Johnson and 10M report "The Future of Nursing."

The text continues to provide neonatal care from a physiologic and pathophysiologic approach, with a major emphasis on nursing management at the bedside and advanced practice level. Each neonatal body system is presented, along with E-B interventions to assist in understanding the 'why' behind what is seen in the clinical area. Integrative management is threaded through the text along with extensive research findings to support practice strategies and rationales for sound clinical decision-making. Topics of recent interest include iatrogenic complications, neonatal pain, use of computers or other technology in neonatal care, and neonatal AIDS. Case studies enhance understanding of both common and rare neonatal conditions.

New chapters: emerging infections, the late preterm infant, and neonatal care from a global perspective Updated neonatal care protocols and procedures, neuroprotective factors, new treatment modalities and new trends in developmental care Tackles the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Addresses the expansion of the nurse's role in the US and worldwide Provides case studies that lead the reader through the identification, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of common and rare neonatal conditions

"This book provides a complete look at neonatal healthcare delivery...[It] includes discussions of contemporary topics of interest, such as informatics, genetics, global health, and family-centered care, which are vital to providers caring for neonates today. The case studies and evidence-based practice dialogues provide great opportunities for further reflection. The book is useful to a wide audience in nursing, including undergraduate and graduate nursing students, practicing neonatal and pediatric nurses, and advanced practice nurses who care for neonates."

The sixth edition of this acclaimed neonatal nursing text is completely updated to encompass the most current research findings and strategies for providing cost-effective and evidence-based care. It continues to address neonatal care from a physiologic and pathophysiologic perspective, with a major emphasis on nursing management at the bedside and advanced practice level. It examines each neonatal body system and describes evidence-based interventions that assist in understanding the 'why' behind various clinical presentations. Integrative management is threaded throughout the text along with extensive research findings to support practice strategies and rationales for sound clinical decision-making. Case studies, evidence-based practice boxes, QSEN competencies, and online resources help to amplify and reinforce content.

You will develop the skills to screen for ASD, to provide comprehensive care for the co-occurring behavioral, medical, and psychiatric conditions, and to integrate innovative nursing care into the lives of your ASD patients and their families.

Family-centered care (FCC) in NICUs aims to support parents and children facing the distressing experience of a preterm infant's NICU hospitalization. Neonatal nurses must also have proper knowledge of the support interventions for parents' and siblings' adaptation during the NICU hospitalization. This paper describes comprehensive and innovative clinical tools which consist of a clinical reference guide for nurses, a website for parents, and a storybook for siblings to promote families' adaptation, and help parents support their older children during NICU hospitalization. Based on scientific evidence and the family systems nursing approach, these comprehensive and innovative clinical tools for nurses, parents, and siblings contribute, through their development and implementation, to enhancing FCC and the quality of nursing care to families.

The Division of Neonatology provides comprehensive care for premature and full-term infants with a complex of neonatal problems. The Intensive Care Nursery (ICN) is a major referral center for term infants with respiratory failure and persistent pulmonary hypertension, perinatal asphyxia, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and complex surgical problems, especially those with congenital diaphragmatic hernia where the survival for uncomplicated cases is greater than 90%. Special services offered in our nursery include high frequency ventilation, nitric oxide, hypothermia for perinatal asphyxia, and comprehensive neonatal health care. We also provide long-term neurodevelopmental follow-up for high-risk infants who are discharged from the intensive care nursery.

The Division of Neonatology, Duke Neonatal Intensive Unit, is a member of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Neonatal Research Network, a consortium of the leading neonatal intensive care units in the country that perform cutting-edge, collaborative clinical research.

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, also called UT Health San Antonio, is a leading academic health center with a mission to make lives better through excellence in advanced academics, life-saving research and comprehensive clinical care including health, dental and cancer services.

Our Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship program is carefully tailored to provide each fellow with a unique and comprehensive experience to prepare them for a successful career in clinical and academic pediatric emergency medicine. We accept graduates who have completed an RRC accredited pediatric residency or emergency residency program. We are a three-year program for all fellows, with the third year typically required to complete their scholarly work and research project.

Named one of the nation's "Best Children's Hospitals" by U.S. News & World Report for eight consecutive years, Le Bonheur is the only Level 1 pediatric trauma center in the Mid-South. Its neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) provides the highest level of care for the region's critically ill newborns. Le Bonheur has received many accolades of excellence over the years including: Top Children's Hospital in 2017 by the Leapfrog group for its safe patient care, Magnet status - one of only 7 percent of hospitals in the U.S. to have earned this honor for quality nursing care by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), and a three-star rating (the highest) by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons for its Heart Institute.

Background: Preterm related complication is a critical neonatal problem in the world causes death of nearly one million neonates per each year. In Ethiopia, it is still the first leading causes of neonatal mortality accounts 37% from the total neonatal death. Identifying factors associated with preterm mortality by conducting a research is one of the mechanisms used to tackle such kinds of critical public health problems. Hence, this study aimed to assess the mortality and its associated factors among preterm neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units of Addis Ababa public hospitals, 2021.

With effective implementation of World Health Organization(WHO) also sets ten recommendations to improve survival of pretermbabies, which are antenatal corticosteroids, tocolysis, magnesiumsulfate, antibiotic prophylaxis, mode of preterm birth (to mother) andneonatal kangaroo mother care, plastic wraps, continuous positiveairway pressure therapy, surfactant and oxygen therapy three fourth ofthe babies could be saved [10]. Research are also ongoing to improveand scale up interventions like antenatal corticosteroids for early andlate preterm birth, Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) including KMCinitiated soon after birth even for unstable babies and communityinitiatedKMC for bigger, stable babies, Continuous Positive AirwayPressure (CPAP), and low-cost and easy to use lung surfactant in lowand middle income countries [6].

In spite of all international, national and scientific efforts todecrease preterm mortality, the recent neonatal mortality report inEthiopia (33 deaths per 1,000 live births) reflects a worsening situationof the problem compared to the EDHS 2016 report (29 deaths per 1,000live births) [17,18]. From these preterm related complications are stillthe leading causes which should be reinvestigated. Therefore, this studyaimed to determine preterm mortality and its associated factors amongpreterm neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care unit of AddisAbaba public hospitals.

Table 1: Socio-demographic related factors of preterm neonate and their index mothers among those admitted to neonatal intensive care unit of Addis Ababa public hospitals, Ethiopia, 2021.

Table 2: Neonatal admission diagnosis and new medical problem developed between the follow up related factors among neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care unit of Addis Ababa public hospitals, Ethiopia, 2021. 041b061a72


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