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Woldemar Rozhkov
Woldemar Rozhkov

Facetracknoir V170 Download WORK

Great job,unbelieveble perfect working.I just today instaled new Windows8 Pro,instaled DCS world 1.2.3,then instaled facetracknoir v170 and launched FtnoIR and DCS world and nothing else.No game fixes or interventions to Instalation folder.Everything works perfect.Thanx a milion.

Facetracknoir V170 Download

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Maybe I too praised v170 ,but exactly how you said when I end missioin and start any other FTnoIR is not responding.Only one think what I can do is exit game and start game again with mission which you want.Then FTnoIr is working again.

@turbohog: Bedankt! We have figured out that the 64-bit version of NPClient needs the 64-bit version of the C++ runtime libraries (vcredist_x64). This is the location where it can be found: -us/download/details.aspx?id=26347 It will be added to beta2.

so ive been using facetracknoir, for all of my SIM needs for a while now, havnt had any issues with it i couldnt solve by either trial and error or googleing it. I managed to get it to work with BOS recently but cant for the life of me figure out how i did it.

anyways, I know editing the supported games list is one option of getting FTNOIR to work but when i check the file BOS is not listed, i did try to add it in but it didnt solve the issue (still dont know what did) so I downloaded the V170 patch off the website and vuala it works (i had v170 before i downloaded it)

the open track work around didnt work unfortunatley. i sent my buddy my edited version of the .csv file and had him place it into the settings folder of facetracknoir, he says FTNOIR will track his face through the loading screen but as soon as he's in the plane it cuts out and gives an error message saying that FTNOIR cant load the .csv file.

4) now this is just what i did i have no idea if this made a difference to the program at all. but i downloaded and installed FTNOIR v170 patch over the V170 that i already had yes i know it sounds redundant but i tried it anyways. 350c69d7ab


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