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Teach Monster Number Skills: A Fun and Effective Math Learning Game for Children

Teach Monster Number Skills: A Fun Math Learning Game for Kids

Do you want to help your kids learn math in a fun and easy way? Do you want to boost their confidence with numbers and make them love math? If yes, then you should try Teach Monster Number Skills, a new math learning game that is designed for children between 3 to 6+ years old.

Teach Monster Number Skills is an app that teaches kids essential number skills through engaging games and activities. It is developed by Teach Your Monster, a team behind the award-winning Teach Your Monster to Read app. It is also based on the research and expertise of renowned early years mathematics experts.

teach monster number skills app

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Teach Monster Number Skills, including what it is, how it works, what skills it covers, why it is effective, how it is aligned with the curriculum, how to use it, and what are its advantages. By the end of this article, you will be convinced that Teach Monster Number Skills is a great app for your kids to learn math.

What is Teach Monster Number Skills?

Teach Monster Number Skills is a kids learning game that helps children practice and reinforce key number skills. It is designed to develop their number sense, which is their understanding of how numbers work with numbers and how they are affected by operations. It is something we develop either intuitively or through practice, and it helps us work with numbers in mathematics and everyday tasks. Some people have stronger number sense than others.

Teach Monster Number Skills is an app that helps kids develop their number sense by playing fun and interactive games that cover a range of number skills. The app is suitable for kids between 3 to 6+ years old, and it adapts to their level of ability and progress. The app also provides feedback and encouragement to motivate kids to keep learning.

How does it work?

The app works by letting kids create their own monster and explore a park full of games and activities. Each game focuses on a different number skill, such as counting, subitizing, number bonds, addition, subtraction, ordinality, and magnitude. The games are designed to be engaging and challenging, but not frustrating or boring. Kids can earn prizes and rewards for their monster as they play, and they can also customize their monster's appearance and personality.

The app uses colorful graphics, animations, sounds, and music to create a fun and immersive learning environment. The app also uses voice instructions and feedback to guide kids through the games and help them understand the concepts. The app is easy to use and navigate, and it does not require any reading or writing skills.

What skills does it cover?

The app covers a variety of number skills that are essential for building a strong foundation in math. These skills include:

  • Counting: Kids learn how to count objects in different arrangements, such as in a line, in a circle, or in a grid. They also learn how to count on from a given number, such as 5 + 3 = 8. They also learn how to use counting strategies, such as skip counting or grouping.

  • Subitizing: Kids learn how to recognize the number of objects in a small group without counting them, such as 4 dots on a dice. They also learn how to use subitizing to compare quantities, such as which group has more or less objects.

  • Number bonds: Kids learn how to split up and recombine numbers in useful ways using number bonds. For example, they learn that 5 can be split into 2 and 3, or 4 and 1, or 5 and 0. They also learn how to use number bonds to solve addition and subtraction problems, such as 5 + 3 = 8 or 8 - 3 = 5.

  • Addition and subtraction: Kids learn how to add and subtract numbers up to 10 using different methods, such as using fingers, objects, number lines, or mental strategies. They also learn how to use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction, such as knowing that if 5 + 3 = 8, then 8 - 3 = 5.

  • Ordinality and magnitude: Kids learn how to order numbers from smallest to largest or vice versa, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. They also learn how to compare numbers using words like more than, less than, equal to, etc. They also learn how to use landmarks like 0, 5, and 10 to help them compare numbers.

Why is it effective?

The app is effective because it uses research-based principles and practices to teach number skills. Some of these principles are:

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Teach Monster Number Skills: how to access the privacy policy and terms of use of the app

Teach Monster Number Skills: how to cancel the free 3 day trial of the app

Teach Monster Number Skills: how to get updates and news about the app

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How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills in your homeschool curriculum

How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills in your classroom or preschool setting

How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills as a supplement or enrichment for your child's math learning

How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills as a fun activity or reward for your child's math achievement

How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills as a tool for assessment or intervention for your child's math skills

How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills as a way to engage your child's interest and curiosity in math

How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills as a way to foster your child's creativity and imagination in math

How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills as a way to promote your child's social and emotional skills in math

How to use Teach Your Monster Number Skills as a way to support your child's cognitive and metacognitive skills in math

How does Teach Your Monster Number Skills compare with other math learning apps for kids?

What are the benefits of using Teach Your Monster Number Skills for your child's math learning?

What are the challenges or limitations of using Teach Your Monster Number Skills for your child's math learning?

What are the best practices or tips for using Teach Your Monster Number Skills for your child's math learning?

What are the common questions or FAQs about using Teach Your Monster Number Skills for your child's math learning?

  • Concrete-pictorial-abstract approach: The app uses concrete objects (such as fruits or animals), pictorial representations (such as dots or shapes), and abstract symbols (such as numerals or signs) to help kids understand numbers. This helps kids make connections between different representations of numbers and develop a deeper understanding of them.

  • Spiral curriculum: The app revisits the same concepts at different levels of difficulty and complexity throughout the games. This helps kids consolidate their learning and master the skills gradually.

  • Adaptive learning: The app adjusts the level of challenge according to the child's performance and progress. This helps kids learn at their own pace and avoid frustration or boredom.

  • Growth mindset: The app encourages kids to have a positive attitude towards math and learning. It praises kids for their effort rather than their ability, and it helps them overcome mistakes and challenges by providing feedback and hints.

  • Fun factor: The app makes math fun by using a playful theme, a cute monster character, a variety of games and activities, and rewards and incentives. This helps kids enjoy math and stay motivated to learn more.

How is it aligned with the curriculum?

The app is aligned with the early year requirements for mathematics across the world, such as the Common Core State Standards in the US, the Early Years Foundation Stage in the UK, and the Australian Curriculum. The app covers the same topics and skills that kids are expected to learn in preschool and kindergarten, such as counting, addition, subtraction, number bonds, etc. The app also supports the development of other mathematical practices, such as problem-solving, reasoning, and communication.

The app can be used as a supplement to classroom learning or as a home learning tool. Teachers can use the app to reinforce what they teach in class and to monitor their students' progress and performance. Parents can use the app to engage their kids with math at home and to support their learning needs and interests.

How to use Teach Monster Number Skills?

Using Teach Monster Number Skills is very easy and simple. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Download and install

The first step is to download and install the app on your device. The app is available for both Android and iOS devices, and you can get it from Google Play or App Store. The app is free to download and use, but it offers in-app purchases for some extra features and content.

Create your monster

The next step is to create your own monster. You can choose from different shapes, colors, eyes, mouths, horns, and accessories to make your monster unique and cute. You can also name your monster and give it a personality. As you play the games, you can earn prizes and rewards for your monster, such as hats, glasses, stickers, etc.

Explore the park

The final step is to explore the park and play the games. The park has different areas, such as the pond, the forest, the playground, etc., where you can find different games and activities. Each game focuses on a different number skill, and you can choose the level of difficulty that suits you. You can also switch between games whenever you want.

Track your progress

As you play the games, you can track your progress and achievements. You can see how many stars you have earned for each game and level, how many prizes you have collected for your monster, and how much feedback you have received. You can also see how well you are doing on each number skill and what areas you need to improve on.

What are the advantages of Teach Monster Number Skills?

Teach Monster Number Skills has many advantages for kids, parents, and teachers. Here are some of them:

For kids

The app helps kids develop a strong foundation in numbers and math by teaching them essential number skills in a fun and engaging way. The app also helps kids boost their confidence with numbers and make them love math. The app also helps kids improve their other skills, such as concentration, memory, logic, creativity, etc.

For parents

The app supports parents in engaging their kids with math at home and in making math learning fun for them. The app also helps parents understand their kids' strengths and weaknesses in number skills and provide them with appropriate guidance and support. The app also helps parents connect with their kids' teachers and share their kids' progress and feedback.

For teachers

The app complements teachers in reinforcing classroom learnings and in providing extra practice for their students. The app also helps teachers monitor their students' progress and performance in number skills and provide them with individualized feedback and instruction. The app also helps teachers communicate with their students' parents and share their students' achievements and challenges.


Teach Monster Number Skills is a great app for kids to learn math in a fun and easy way. It teaches kids essential number skills through engaging games and activities that adapt to their level of ability and progress. It also boosts kids' confidence with numbers and makes them love math. It is aligned with the curriculum requirements for early years mathematics across the world, and it supports parents and teachers in engaging their kids with math at home and in school. It is easy to use and fun to play, and it has many advantages for kids, parents, and teachers. If you want to help your kids learn math in a fun and easy way, you should download Teach Monster Number Skills today and give it a try. You will be amazed by how much your kids will learn and enjoy math with this app.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Teach Monster Number Skills:

  • How much does the app cost?

The app is free to download and use, but it offers in-app purchases for some extra features and content. You can buy the full version of the app for $4.99, which gives you access to all the games and levels, or you can buy individual games for $0.99 each.

  • Is the app safe and secure?

The app is safe and secure for kids to use. It does not collect any personal information from the users, and it does not have any ads or links to external websites. It also has a parental lock feature that prevents kids from accessing the settings or making purchases without permission.

  • Can I use the app offline?

The app can be used offline once it is downloaded and installed on your device. However, you will need an internet connection to download updates or sync your progress across devices.

  • Can I use the app on multiple devices?

The app can be used on multiple devices with the same account. You can sync your progress across devices by logging in with your email address or using a QR code. You can also create multiple profiles for different users on the same device.

  • How can I contact the developer?

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions about the app, you can contact the developer by emailing them at or visiting their website at


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